Organizing associations:
- Spanish Human-Computer Interaction Association (AIPO)
- The Research Center on Software Production Methods (ProS), Polytechnic University of Valencia
- The Research Group on Specification, Development and Evolution of Software (GEDES), University of Granada
Scope and Objective:
The International Conference Interacción 2010 is targeted to promote and spread the recent advances in the human-computer interaction area in both Academia and Industry. The conference aims to establish a discussion and idea interchange forum in order to further advance in the use and application of innovations related to Interaction in nowadays challenging fields including Health-care, Education and Learning, Communities and Social Networking, Information and Knowledge Accessing, New Computational Environments, etc.
Nowadays we are living in a world of fast technologies changes. In the last years, important advances in Robotics, Virtual Reality, Mobil Devices, etc., had been made. On this basis, new electronic devices increasingly require studies and proposals that improve and ease different forms of interaction. At the same time, important concepts such as adaptability, usability, accessibility should take into account the increasing emergence of new devices, software platforms and information sources. This fact raises a large amount of research topics with special relevance for Interacción 2010.
Topics of Interest:
• Information accessibility
• Adaptation and evolution
• Fine arts and interaction
• Digital libraries and electronic books
• Electronic commerce and interaction
• Ubiquitous and pervasive computation
• Virtual communities and social networks
• Model-based interface development
• Interaction devices
• Environments and tools for the development of user interfaces
• Ergonomics (Human factors)
• Evaluation of interactive systems
• Experiences in Enterprises
• Hypermedia and Web
• Ambient Intelligence
• Interaction, learning and teaching
• Interaction at home (Domotics)
• Interactions of people with special needs
• Human-machine Interaction
• Human-computer-human Interaction
• Human-robot Interaction
• Natural language interfaces
• Smart interfaces
• Methodologies to study interactions
• User and group modelling
• Multimedia
• Virtual and augmented reality
• Interactive and multimodal Systems
• Collaborative systems (CSCW/CSCL)
• Context sensitive systems
• Theories, conceptual models and ontologies
• Usability
• Information visualization
• Semantic Web
Conference Chairs:
- Óscar Pastor López, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
- Pedro Latorre, Universidad de Zaragoza
Program committee:
- Chairs:
- José Luis Garrido, Universidad de Granada
- Fabio Paternò, ISTI–CNR, Pisa, Italia
- Members of the national committee:
- Julio Abascal, Universidad del País Vasco
- Silvia Abrahão, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
- Xavier Alamán, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- Nathalie Aquino, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
- Kawtar Benghazi, Universidad de Granada
- David Boix, e-laCaixa
- Federico Botella, Universidad Miguel Hernández
- Crescencio Bravo, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
- Jose Manuel Cantera, Telefónica I+D
- José Cañas, Universidad de Granada
- Rosa Mª Carro, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- Josep Casanovas, La Caixa
- Rosa María Castillo, Telefónica I+D
- Antonio Díaz, Universidad de Málaga
- Xavier Ferré, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- José Antonio Gallud, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
- Néstor Garay, Universidad del País Vasco
- Francisco García, Universidad de Salamanca
- Roberto García, Universitat de Lleida
- Xabiel García, Universidad de Oviedo
- Miguel Gea, Universidad de Granada
- Eva Gil, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
- Rosa M. Gil, Universitat de Lleida
- José Mariano González, Universidad de Sevilla
- Toni Granollers, Universitat de Lleida
- Francisco L. Gutiérrez, Universidad de Granada
- Fco. Javier Jaén, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
- Josep María Junoy, La Caixa
- Juan Miguel López, Universitat de Lleida
- María Dolores Lozano, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
- Yuhua Luo, Universitat de les Illes Balears
- José A. Macías, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- Mari-Carmen Marcos, Universidad Pompeu Fabra
- Ana Belén Martínez, Universidad de Oviedo
- Pedro J. Molina, Capgemini, Spain
- Beatriz Montes, Universidad de Jaén
- Enric Mor, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
- Roberto Moriyón, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- Iván del Muro, alt64
- Raquel Navarro, Universidad Pompeu Fabra
- Marta Oliva, Universitat de Lleida
- Nuria Oliver, Telefónica I+D
- Manuel Ortega, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
- José Ignacio Panach, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
- Óscar Pastor López, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
- Miguel Pérez-García, Universidad de Granada
- Pere Ponsa, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña
- Miguel Ángel Redondo, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
- Arcadio Reyes, Universidad de Málaga
- Mireia Ribera, Universitat de Barcelona
- María Luisa Rodríguez, Universidad de Granada
- Montserrat Sendín, Universitat de Lleida
- Christian Sturm, Hewlett Packard, Spain
- Ángel Velázquez, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
- Manuel Vélez, Universidad de Granada
- Members of the International Committee:
- Silvana Aciar, Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Argentina
- Marcos Borges, Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro, Brasil
- Pedro Campos, Universidad de Madeira, Portugal
- César Alberto Collazos, Universidad del Cauca, Popayán-Colombia
- Jesús Favela, CICESE Research Center, México
- Peter Forbrig, University of Rostock
- María Paula González, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina
- Víctor M. González, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, México
- Luis Guerrero, Universidad de Chile, Chile
- Bárbara Leporini, Italian National Research Council (CNR), Italia
- Alberto L. Morán, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, México
- Nuno Jardim Nunes, Universidad de Madeira, Portugal
- Sergio Ochoa, Universidad de Chile, Chile
- Philippe Palanque, Universidad Paul Sabatier, Francia
- Ángel Puerta, RedWhale Software, USA
- Cuauhtemoc Rivera Loaiza, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, México
- Marcela D. Rodríguez, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, México
- Gustavo Rossi, Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Argentina
- Cristian Rusu, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile
- José Alfredo Sánchez, Universidad de las Américas Puebla, México
Organization commeittee:
- José Ignacio Panach, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Members of the organization committee:
- Nathalie Aquino, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
- Kawtar Benghazi, Universidad de Granada
- Juan José Rodríguez Soler, Bankinter
Paper submission types:
- Full Paper: consists of original, previously unpublished work, which contributes with relevant results of scientific research. The papers selected as regular paper will be presented and discussed in an oral session during the conference.
- Short Paper: consists of papers describing work in progress which still does not provide significant results, but presents well-founded research. The papers selected as short papers will be presented and discussed in a communication session during the conference. The presentation time will be shorter than that intended for long papers presentations.
- Poster and/or demonstration: should describe work in progress, tools demonstration, or development, basically technical. During the conference, this kind of work will be exposed as posters. Additionally, there will be special sessions to briefly present the work. Subsequently, the author can attend to those conferees interested in concrete aspects of the work reflected in the poster.
- Doctoral colloquium:is the context in which the PhD students are invited to present, in front of an expert panel, the topic and the current state of their research. Thereby, the students may have expert feedback that could help their research progress.
- Experiment and Case Studies: are the instruments for exposing applications and real projects related to human-computer interactions, outside of scientific scope, i.e., pieces of work carried out in the business field and/or industry service that could be of interest for human-computer interaction community, in terms of methods, techniques employed or obtained results.
Tutorials: can be proposed to be lectured during the conference. Anyone interested in organizing a tutorial should send a tentative proposal to the program committee chair (José Luis Garrido, Fabio Paternò) with the following information: objectives description, target audience, duration, table of contents, curriculum vitae of the proponent and the speakers.
All submissions must be written in Spanish or English and should be submitted in PDF format. All submissions must conform to the format proposed by CEDI 2010 and should respect the following extension limits:
Tipo de contribución |
Extensión máxima (páginas) |
Full papers |
10 |
Short papers |
4 |
Poster and/or demostrations |
2 |
Doctoral colloquium |
4 |
Experiments and case studies |
4 |
Important dates:
All submissions must be written in Spanish or English and should be submitted in PDF format. All submissions must conform to the format proposed by CEDI 2010and should respect the following extension limits:
First Call for Participation |
7 september 2009 |
Last Call for Participation |
15 junuary 2010 |
Submission of tutorial proposals |
20 febrary 2010 |
Submission of Full paper, Shirt paper, Posters and/or Demonstrations, Doctoral Colloquium, Experiment and Case Studies |
9 april 2010 |
Notification of Acceptance/Reject |
12 mayl 2010 |
Submission of Camera Ready |
1 june 2010 |
Conference Celebration |
7 to 10 september 2010 |
E-mail: interaccion2010@dsic.upv.es
RedWhale Software
Call for papers:
Registration must be performed in the CEDI Web Page.
Each accepted submission must have a registration in INTERACCIÓN’ 10. Moreover, one registration is not valid for two or more contributions. Otherwise, the accepted submission will not be included in the conference proceedings. The deadline for authors’ registration is 4th of June.